在香港無論買鮮肉或急凍肉, 都很容易買到,
在瓜瓜島, 當然沒有這麼方便
除了買鮮肉外, 我們亦有買些大盒5KG裝急凍雞腿或雞翼
將雞腿分為兩隻一包, 雞翼六隻一包,
放入冰隔, 每次煮用一包, 很方便
其實肉類, 來來去去大多吃都是,
豬, 牛, 雞...., 鵝, 鴨, 羊比較小
但不同國家地方有不同的煮法, 各有特色
我煮了很多次, 我和Beu都好鍾意食架
在炆的過程中, 已經可以香味撲鼻,
而且雞腿炆後, 非常入味
配白飯一流, 齒夾流香!!!
I just made it tonite! It tasted really nice! Both Mr G and I loved this dish! The chicken came out so tender! You know? When I was in Hong Kong, I did not even cook instant noodle. So, for me, it is really a miracle! Haha! Anyway, thanks a million for sharing your recipe!
[版主回覆05/23/2010 15:18:00]You're welcome!!! I'm glad G's family like this dish.
Cooking is fun. Especailly when you cook for your love. Keep doing it. You are great!!!!
By the way, for 1 cup of chicken soup, what do you mean by 1 cup? around 5dl? Thanks a lot!
[版主回覆05/22/2010 05:05:00]I just made it yesterday again. Ar Beu loves it so much!!!! Tell me after you make it.
1 Cup = 250ml
[版主回覆02/16/2010 10:21:00]在一般的大的超級市場可以買回的啊 ....
[版主回覆02/06/2010 08:02:00]唔好笑我啦!!! 唔講得學習啦!!! 大家都係日煮夜煮....又鍾意食...又鍾意煮野食嘛....我覺得煮野食呢家野....我都要不斷修煉修煉......
【西式炆雞腿】 (附食譜) : 2人份量
材料 :
雞脾 ...... 2隻
蘑菇 ...... 1杯(切半)
洋蔥 ...... 1個(切絲)
中型三色椒 ...... 各一個(切條)
雞湯 ...... 1.5杯(375ml)
Basil 乾羅勒 ...... 1茶匙
奶 ...... 1/4杯(約70ml)
麵粉 ...... 1湯匙
醃粉 :
麵粉(All purpose/T55) ...... 1/4杯
紅椒粉 Paprika...... 2 茶匙
鹽 ...... 1/4茶匙
黑胡椒粉 ...... 1/4茶匙
做法 :1. 混合醃粉2. 雞脾洗淨, 從關節部位切開兩半, 沾上一層混合醃粉3. 熱鑊, 適量油, 煎雞件至金黃色, 盛起隔油, 備用4. 原鑊留2湯匙油, 炒香洋蔥絲, 放蘑菇, , 三色椒絲, 略炒2分鐘, 放雞湯,乾羅勒Basil, 待滾, 放雞件(雞皮向上), 轉小火, 炆35-40分鐘5. 混合奶和麵粉1湯匙6. 先盛起雞件和蔬菜, 把鑊裡的汁, 多餘的油取出, 約餘下大半杯汁料,放混合奶和麵粉, 小火, 煮至汁杰, 淋上雞肶和蔬菜上, 趁熱享用(可配白飯)
- 留言者: Gee
- Email: garlyyung@yahoo.com
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-05-23 06:08:00
I just made it tonite! It tasted really nice! Both Mr G and I loved this dish! The chicken came out so tender! You know? When I was in Hong Kong, I did not even cook instant noodle. So, for me, it is really a miracle! Haha! Anyway, thanks a million for sharing your recipe!
[版主回覆05/23/2010 15:18:00]You're welcome!!! I'm glad G's family like this dish.
Cooking is fun. Especailly when you cook for your love. Keep doing it. You are great!!!!
- 留言者: Gee
- Email: garlyyung@yahoo.com
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-05-22 04:48:00
By the way, for 1 cup of chicken soup, what do you mean by 1 cup? around 5dl? Thanks a lot!
[版主回覆05/22/2010 05:05:00]I just made it yesterday again. Ar Beu loves it so much!!!! Tell me after you make it.
1 Cup = 250ml
- 留言者: zoe
- Email: soubycrazy@yahoo.com.hk
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-02-15 20:39:00
[版主回覆02/16/2010 10:21:00]在一般的大的超級市場可以買回的啊 ....
- 留言者: 犘登師奶仔
- Email: mook_look@yahoo.com
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-02-05 12:41:00
[版主回覆02/06/2010 08:02:00]唔好笑我啦!!! 唔講得學習啦!!! 大家都係日煮夜煮....又鍾意食...又鍾意煮野食嘛....我覺得煮野食呢家野....我都要不斷修煉修煉......