前兩天, Beu 下班回到家時, 很興奮 + 很認真 跟我說
他知道在Down Town 有個店舖出售,
原本是個小餐廳, 可容納約20個客人
他同事仙蒂也說, 有興趣和我們合夥,
其實, 對於Sai Sai 來說,
要是再做生意, 不太想做有關飲食的
以前在香港, 也曾開過西式三文治果汁店,
每天工作, 實在辛苦得很
所以, 對飲食業, 有點怕怕了,
雖然, 瓜瓜島的生活節奏, 比較慢和輕鬆
加上, 我們只逗留瓜瓜島3-4年多
不想與人合夥做生意, 經驗告訴Sai Sai, 很麻煩的
總總因素, 我就是這樣回答了Beu
無論怎樣, Sai Sai 希望在瓜瓜島或法國,
今天, 分享這個 洋蔥豬扒 之前,
從蘇C黃所學的, 但汁料份量需自己調較
Sai Sai 和Beu 都超喜歡吃,
有一次在巴黎, 我弄給Beu 的朋友吃
她說: 從未吃過如此幼嫩的豬排
這就是我喜歡煮菜的推動力吧!! 喜歡吃, 就好了!!
作西式, 可配上意大利粉和雜菜
或 煎好後, 切件, 作中式餸菜, 來下飯, 都是美味啊!!
I am really struggling whether to continue my French course. I am just in a class at level A2, but almost all my classmates speak French quite fluently already. It is really so different from the courses that I took in Hong Kong. Sigh..
Anyway, work hard on your French cooking! Way to go, girl! : )
Actually I am now learning German together with French. This really drives me crazy. The reason that I need to learn French is because I am studying law here, and would need to be able to read Swiss law. I have learnt French in Hong Kong for 2 years, so I thought it might be easier for me to read the law in French, but it appears not to be the case. Sigh..
I can understand that it will be a different story if you need to turn your interest into a job. I guess you can just take the time that you need to figure out what you want to do in a totally new environment. (I say this to myself, too! Haha!). Add oil!!
[版主回覆05/29/2010 21:11:00]When you learn a new language, you should avoid comparing it with english or cantonese. I think we should learn like a baby and repeat a lot. Especially french and german have a lot of complicated rules..... We should learn little by little and dont go too fast. Its true english is very easy if you compare with other languages....haha
You think its hard to learn many languages but once you succeed you will have some special capacity compare any other HK ppl. So, I will try my best in French cooking and you will excel in Swiss law.... hehe!!!
[版主回覆05/29/2010 20:59:00]Ohhh....原來係咁.....不過你做咩工作, 都會遇到呢個問題喎!!! 盡量叫佢就下時間得唔得呢???
係呢, 你d 敏感, 有冇好返d呀????
How's your progress in learning French? I am also learning French here in Zurich, but really find it difficult. However, since you are living in a French speaking region now, I am sure you can progress quickly! Add oil! :)
[版主回覆05/28/2010 13:19:00]Yes, we both love this dish so much. You must try to make it someday!!! You know, I like cooking but its different to open a restaurant. I will think about what job I can have here or in france.
Oh!! You are learning French also? Why? I though you live in France...lol Its not easy to learn a new language in my age.... Actually, I'm very lazy to learn French and only can speak simple and little French so far. But I get to use to watch French TV now. Anyway, I have to speak well French if I get a job soon....And I"m sure you can do well also. Because HK people are good to try new things and smart !!!! Let"s add oil !!!!!
【洋蔥豬扒】 (附食譜) : 2人份量
材料 :
有骨豬排 ...... 2件
洋蔥 ...... 1個(切件)
生粉 ...... (適量)
麻油 ...... 1湯匙
油 ...... 1湯匙
水 ...... 3湯匙
醃料 :
生抽 ...... 1.5湯匙
老抽 ...... 1湯匙
糖 ...... 1茶匙
胡椒粉 ...... (適量)
蛋白 ...... 1個
做法 :1. 豬扒洗淨, 用廚房紙巾略為吸乾水, 用刀背, 井字型剁鬆豬扒(即打直剁完整塊豬扒後, 再打橫剁), 然後, 再用刀身, 平拍數下2. 用醃料醃豬扒, 放入雪櫃20分鐘, 然後, 灑入生粉拌勻, 加麻油, 水拌勻,再加入油, 備用3. 熱油鑊, 爆香洋蔥(約2-3分鐘), 加入老抽1湯匙 和糖1/2茶匙, 炒勻, 盛起備用4. 原鑊, 中火, 煎豬排(每面約4-5分鐘)5. 加入 洋蔥和水(約2/3碗-見小提示3), 煮滾, 試味, 煮至收汁, 即可上碟小提示 :1. 如豬扒邊有白筋, 用刀切開白筋, 煎時便不會卷曲2. 請依次序醃豬扒, 之所以不把材料一次加入, 是先入味, 後加生粉, 麻油和油便可保存肉汁, 保充水份, 令豬扒更嫩滑了3. 最後步驟加入水時, 可混合清水, 餘下醃汁和洋蔥汁, 更原汁原味啊!!!
- 留言者: Gee
- Email: garlyyung@yahoo.com
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-06-03 03:39:00
I am really struggling whether to continue my French course. I am just in a class at level A2, but almost all my classmates speak French quite fluently already. It is really so different from the courses that I took in Hong Kong. Sigh..
Anyway, work hard on your French cooking! Way to go, girl! : )
- 留言者: Gee
- Email: garlyyung@yahoo.com
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-05-29 05:02:00
Actually I am now learning German together with French. This really drives me crazy. The reason that I need to learn French is because I am studying law here, and would need to be able to read Swiss law. I have learnt French in Hong Kong for 2 years, so I thought it might be easier for me to read the law in French, but it appears not to be the case. Sigh..
I can understand that it will be a different story if you need to turn your interest into a job. I guess you can just take the time that you need to figure out what you want to do in a totally new environment. (I say this to myself, too! Haha!). Add oil!!
[版主回覆05/29/2010 21:11:00]When you learn a new language, you should avoid comparing it with english or cantonese. I think we should learn like a baby and repeat a lot. Especially french and german have a lot of complicated rules..... We should learn little by little and dont go too fast. Its true english is very easy if you compare with other languages....haha
You think its hard to learn many languages but once you succeed you will have some special capacity compare any other HK ppl. So, I will try my best in French cooking and you will excel in Swiss law.... hehe!!!
- 留言者: OnOn
- Email: onon9988@yahoo.com.hk
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-05-28 20:12:00
- 留言者: OnOn
- Email: onon9988@yahoo.com.hk
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-05-28 20:11:00
[版主回覆05/29/2010 20:59:00]Ohhh....原來係咁.....不過你做咩工作, 都會遇到呢個問題喎!!! 盡量叫佢就下時間得唔得呢???
係呢, 你d 敏感, 有冇好返d呀????
- 留言者: Gee
- Email: garlyyung@yahoo.com
- 網址:
- 日期: 2010-05-28 03:12:00
How's your progress in learning French? I am also learning French here in Zurich, but really find it difficult. However, since you are living in a French speaking region now, I am sure you can progress quickly! Add oil! :)
[版主回覆05/28/2010 13:19:00]Yes, we both love this dish so much. You must try to make it someday!!! You know, I like cooking but its different to open a restaurant. I will think about what job I can have here or in france.
Oh!! You are learning French also? Why? I though you live in France...lol Its not easy to learn a new language in my age.... Actually, I'm very lazy to learn French and only can speak simple and little French so far. But I get to use to watch French TV now. Anyway, I have to speak well French if I get a job soon....And I"m sure you can do well also. Because HK people are good to try new things and smart !!!! Let"s add oil !!!!!